Why Learn Music?

Why should someone study music in the days of, you know, difficult exams in school, and sporting activities and all these other challenges that we have in everyday life?

Well, I have to say, learning music is one of those subjects that will enhance your life, no end. There is a lot of opportunity happening in the musical world of the present, there’s a lot of creativity, and music allows the brain to be creative, and to develop the skill of lateral thinking.

And whether you’re a person running a business, or you’re just somebody in a job that deals with problem-solving, or just general everyday issues in life, problem-solving, when it’s looked at, technically speaking, the best problem solvers are lateral thinkers, and they’re the most creative business people you will meet at the planet today because they come up with what many think to be the best ideas, whether it be in the world of marketing, creating new products, are creating something that’s going to be the new best-selling fashion of our day or trend of our day.

Also, music is full of new opportunities these days. And if you take a listen to episodes, in this podcast, you will hear people who have started up amazing nonprofits, who use music for health, who use music in terms of helping young people who use music as a career choice in instrument making or servicing those set instruments, in particular genres such as Irish traditional music.

In the classical music world, there’s also a huge opportunity. It’s an art form that has been around 300 years and is still played today as a recognized art form across the world. So if you ask, how can classical music be a genre full of opportunity?

Well, if you merge classical music, and you merge business skills and marketing skills into the world of classical music, you have the power to be amazing. So does music have opportunities within it? I have to say yes, it does. On Friday’s interview this week, I’m going to be speaking with a lady that will speak about the opportunities that lay within classical music. Classical music in different places has got different perceptions.

So in Ireland at the moment, classical music isn’t the most popular genre that people think about. in Mexico, as one country’s example, classical music is highly appreciated. And hundreds of people attend concerts, and they have great fun at the concerts and the second Mexican national anthem.

You can’t listen to that anthem without a full-sized or disturbing present. So classical music has a very solid footing still, and it’s imagined 300 years of age. Wow. So tune in to Friday’s episode for that very interesting interview, which talks about how classical music is an exciting art form. And the opportunities that are within that said art form no matter where you live in the world.

Now on to the news slot of the #MusicSecretsExposed, today is Monday. So I’m going to bring you the latest news. Now as of today, I have a small few remaining slots available for piano bookings. So if you really want to enjoy the whole musical world as we enter the winter period here in the Northern Hemisphere, sign up for a free discovery call, go over to #WorldofPiano, and just sign up there for a free discovery call.

I’d love to meet you and discuss all the exciting opportunities that can be yours if you want to get into the world of music. Now, we’re also sponsoring a competition over at #MusicalChangemakers, and this competition is an opportunity for you.

Credit to: https://anchor.fm/musicsecretsexposed